Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Beck Murdoch Soros Birther Conspiracy

Glen Beck Bans Birthers From His Show
Becks 1st order of business for 2010 - Ban ALL birther calls from his show.
He claims it is a far fetched conspiracy theory of nut-jobs who think that the Obama was not born in Hawaii and therefore ineligible to serve as the United States President. Further, he has seen the Hawaiian newspaper announcement proclaiming the birth of the baby Obama. And, that is good enough evidence for him.
Then again, Beck is also satisfied with the flimsy evidence supporting the cult that proclaims Joe Smith as the new Messiah with a new plan for his own personal salvation and eternal rest.
1. An agreement to perform together an illegal, wrongful, or subversive act.
2. A group of conspirators.
3. Law An agreement between two or more persons to commit a crime or accomplish a legal purpose through illegal action.
4. A joining or acting together, as if by sinister design.

Far fetched:
1. Long odds against being correct.
2. Not probably correct.
3. Only remotely possible.4. Poor prospect of truth.

Yea, you're probably correct Beck... who would agree to perform together to illegally, wrongfully, or subversively destroy the U.S. Constitution, the U.S. economy, the U.S. political structure, and our God-given right to Life, Liberty, and Pursuit of Happiness?... Evil?...Greed?...Power-mad?

Far fetched?
Follow the money - Fox (Murdoch) Clear Channel (Murdoch) makes fortune with political friction. Beck attacks George Soros (Murdoch's direct competition) regularly.

Glen Beck, Rupert Murdoch, George Soros Conspiracy - An agreement to perform together an illegal, wrongful, or subversive act.

Beck says "Far fetched" - Long odds against being correct.

Yea, you're probably correct Beck... who would agree to perform together to illegally, wrongfully, or subversively destroy the U.S. Constitution, the U.S. economy, the U.S. political structure, and our God-given right to Life, Liberty, and Pursuit of Happiness?... Patriots - - Follow the money! - Fox, Clear Channel (Murdoch) makes fortune with political friction N.Y. Times, L.A. Times (Soros) & Beck rakes in ratings $$$$$$$!

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Largest Election Fraud Case in the U.S.

"Hillary Clinton to be Exposed on the 'Wiley Drake Show' for the Investigation that fined Hillary's campaign for hiding more than 2 Million Dollars in under-reported contributions..."

"...the largest fundraising event of Hillary's campaign- Star-studded gala that upstaged Al Gore's victory party. The event became the focus of a criminal prosecution of Hillary Clinton's finance director for election law fraud and an FEC investigation that fined Hillary's campaign for hiding more than $700,000 in under-reported contributions and expenditures. Peter Paul filed a landmark civil fraud suit against the Clintons that will be going to trial in 2008."

"...it is hard evidence and will reveal a lot about the Clintons.
These interviews are especially needed since Hillary wants Americans to put her back in the White House.
Drake says," we could not trust them then how can we trust them now" My International Radio Show will tell not only Americans but the whole world the real truth about Hillary Clinton from Court papers."

Click here for the complete story.

Obama's ACORN Voter Fraud

"ACORN calls itself a "nonpartisan" group seeking to register minorities and the poor. But its political arm has endorsed Barack Obama, who both trained the group's staff and sued the state of Illinois on their behalf. And Obama's campaign has given ACORN affiliates $800,000 for a get-out-the-vote drive."

Click here for the complete video ariticle.

Who Controls America's Media? (or, Who Tells You What You Need To Know To Vote Their Way?)

Once upon a time images -
A hospital was a place which meant healing, hope, and life. Now, if you are a very tiny person you might be targeted for murder (abortion) by a doctor, nurse, or pseudo-physician (abortionist).

A train conductor looking at a chained pocket watch in his hand meant that the trains always ran on schedule. Well, maybe this one is still intact, although, it is questionable whether or not you will ever in your lifetime ride a train to see if there actually are conductors who check the trains time.

A spinning newspaper headline filling a black and white television screen slanting to a stop with news you could trust. Now, like the paper we use for currency in America which has no gold backing anymore, it seems that the news headlines we see do not have any unbiased backing anymore.

The news seems to not be as informative as it is manipulative, if, even news at all! Just who is controlling what we need to know? Follow this link for clues (and names).
