A Judas goat is a trained goat used at a slaughterhouse and in general animal herding. The Judas goat is trained to associate with" sheeple, gain their trust and lead them to the slaughter of their liberty.
In hour one or two today, a patriot somehow slipped passed Rush's call screener and asked a REAL question - Rush could not politely dump that caller fast enough! Maybe one of you reading this belongs to the exclusive Rush club and could be brazen enough to record and repost this hilarious episode on May 28th, 2010 in hour 1 or 2.
A woman calls in to talk about a topic that the Judas likes to talk about - things that pale in comparison to what the all mighty one should be talking about, but, won't. She cleverly switched the topic in midstream to ask the king of the goats about the Obama's fraudulent social security number! It was precious!
The all knowing one feigned ignorance and stumbled about for an exit door. Wish I could have seen Rush's very well fed face as he quickly lifted the rug and swept that call under the rug with all the other really important topics like the Obama is not even qualified to serve as President; has refused to release documents to settle the questions; has spent well over a million dollars in legal fees to keep his records sealed.
The Obama should have been arrested and tried for treason already, that is, if it can be proven that he is even a citizen! If not, detain and process him as a spy or an enemy combatant!
Rush is a great entertainer - but if a patriot a coward.
1 comment:
There is a false sense of 'everything is being taken care of' that sheeple would rather have, than to face the reality that they, themselves, are going to actually have to take care of the problem themselves. Thus. By illuminating such powerful 'patriots' as Beck and Rush and Sarah and, even, their counter-pundits such as Jackson and Sharpton, as those who are 'on top of things', the sheeple can go on doing what they normally do - nothing. And. The beat goes on. The machine inches it's agendas forward. What few citizens awake from their conspiratored slumber are quickly beaten down by activated zombies. Beck is a master at his game - which is delivery... not research.
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